Why Start Full Life Medicine?

It bothers me to see many people living half alive, walking around with conditions cramping their lives, and often they do not know there is a remedy, and that they could be restored to a healthier, happier, free and full life, with increased energy/vitality. Their providers are not giving them answers.

While treating patients in the emergency room, I see many people come in with symptoms and problems that I know can be healed if I could work with them further. And, that healing could drastically change the trajectory of their life forever by giving them renewed energy and fewer doctor visits, potentially preventing chronic life-changing diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, dementia, etc. You can continue on the downward trajectory or you can be a hero and go a new direction to thrive!

It disappoints me to see patients suffering and held captive to conditions that I consider reversible, and I have made it my mission to help people have restored health and live more alive!  

I’ve been interested in and studied health and wellness for most of my life as an athlete. I have struggled with my health at times, and had weight problems, (and thus can empathize with your pain/struggle), I am healthy because I use these strategies in my own life. Now as a doctor, I hope to help people find the freedom, health and life that they long for. 

My Story: Native Texan

I am a central Texas native who grew up playing select soccer in Zilker park before it was a city icon and still a soccer complex. Enjoying science, structures and organization, I entered college in pursuit of an engineering degree, but quickly realized a desire to help people find life (along with dislike of working behind a computer!). Mixing those desires I decided on a degree in Biochemistry/Biophysics, then pursued a PhD in cancer research, studying at a cellular level with small goals to cure cancer. But God began giving me a desire to interact more as a physician rather than in the laboratory. I’m grateful to have attended Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine, getting all the benefits of modern medical doctor (M.D.) education as well as osteopathic training - helping me see the whole person and learn additional skills to treat and prevent disease. I am board certified by the American Board of Family Medicine.

For over 20 years I have studied and implemented functional/integrative medicine with increasing focus. As with many in this field, it began with my looking for answers to my own symptoms that modern medicine seemed unable to fully address. Finding my own healing has led me to focus on helping others with problems where traditional modern medicine has incomplete answers, and yet where hope and healing are possible!



As a functional medicine physician, my desire is to come alongside you to help you thrive - to live life to the full. Using this approach I have the opportunity to take time to develop a therapeutic partnership aimed at understanding you as a whole unique person, and the many factors that may contribute to your health: including health history from the womb to the present, lifestyle, environment, genes, stress, etc… This allows you and me together to develop a customized comprehensive treatment plan for you, aimed at getting to the root cause.



You’re INvited => Take a step toward healing

I invite you to walk together with me into a journey to move toward the full life and health you desire. My intention is to empower you with sustainable solutions you can continue for the rest of your life; solutions you can use to bring life and health to your own family. As a consultant, I can work together with you and your primary physician as desired.

Other interests

I have been active in sports my entire life, with a focus on tennis and soccer, and then enjoyed competing in triathlon for several years. I love to be outside enjoying nature. I also spend time reading, working on a farm/ranch, with family, and regularly travel overseas to help those in need. Know that proceeds from your investment in you go to helping medical missions. While i fall short daily & am far from perfect, I endeavor to “live a life of love as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us.”

Triathlon enjoying competition!

Triathlon enjoying competition!