Want help to TREAT or PREVENT COVID-19?

I spend a lot of my time during my work days addressing ways to help you keep your immune system at a level that is less likely to succumb to illness of any kind, getting your body strong, and helping you know how you can treat a current illness if one develops. If you have COVID questions, or how to keep from getting sick, or want to treat a current COVID illness, for you or your loved ones, or any other health related questions, i’m open to respond via telephone/video - and am giving a deal for $99 for 30 minutes of direct time with me, the doc to attempt to answer all of your concerns. Please go to CONTACT page and send a note and we can set a time convenient for you to talk. NO VACCINE, NO PROBLEM!

Don't put your hope in a Vaccine -> Lessons learned from the past and where to go from here

The news is full of the hope of a vaccine or novel treatment. Many people have lost their lives to COVID-19, and I don’t want to minimize that tragedy. In fact, I want to come alongside people of the world and help people know how to best prevent their own demise and understand where to look for hope. I’m not anti-medicine. Medicine is fantastic in many circumstances. However, in this case, the hope is NOT IN A VACCINE. There are MANY THINGS YOU CAN DO to get your body in a place that it is unlikely to get sick from any pathogen as well as be able to fend off the ones that do make it in.  It’s time for Americans to become aware of and offered ways they can improve their health NOW- and the chance of healthy outcomes later, regardless of, and more important than a vaccine! You don’t need to wait for government or science to take care of you. Today, I want to remind folks of prior illnesses, the vaccination campaigns and what many decided was the best approach to preventing/slowing the spread of disease. 

Small-pox – was one of the scourges in prior centuries – killing and hurting many people. Governments around the world mandated vaccination of everyone until some began to realize that they vaccine wasn’t helping, in fact many became sick after taking the vaccine, and even those who were vaccinated continued to get small-pox when the epidemics arose. In fact, one village in England decided to rebel against the vaccination campaign, and went from 95% of their populace being vaccinated to 5%. They implemented a plan of sanitation, isolation of the ill person, and hygiene. Does that sound familiar? The response to the COVID-19 pandemic? The medical community predicted that when they next epidemic arose, those of Leicester England would be decimated. However, that didn’t come to pass – they actually fared better than other towns that were vaccinated during outbreaks! And with each successive outbreak since decreasing vaccination, they had lower and lower death rates. Dr Humphries, noted in her book Dissolving Illusions, regarding the fact that a vaccine makes the smallpox milder if you do get it (still talk about that today): “Since the mildest smallpox is admittedly as contagious as the most severe, vaccinated small-pox is no less dangerous to the community than unvaccinated.” (Meaning, it will still spread). There was an outbreak of small-pox in Yugoslavia in the 70’s, and the WHO decided to use some of the Leicester plan after realizing the vaccination didn’t reliably protect. 

So, before taking a vaccine, you may want to do some further research and see how well it is actually working or what is actually slowing the spread of the disease. I’ll add for those of you who are interested in higher powers, that our hope should never be solely in medicine or government to take care of us. You can do more at home than they can ever do to protect yourself and those you love by eating clean, exercising, getting sunlight, fresh air, self-quarantining when you are sick, and practicing good hygiene. 

In the small-pox era, living condition and foods were extremely poor. Beginning in the mid/late 1800s, when sanitation and hygiene began improving, the mortality rate to all infections diseases dropped (we saw declines in typhus, typhoid, diptheria, scarlet fever, measles, etc..). It is clear that something other than a vaccine altered the susceptibility to disease. With the exception of the Spanish flu of 1918, infectious disease caused less mortality. So what is going on now? We still have toxins in our foods and environment, now GMO and processed foods and all of this is leading to a sick America. The toxins and poor standards may come in different ways, but is akin to the problematic environment in the 17-1800’s that contributed to the spread of disease, and by cleaning things up changed the course of illness dramatically. Now we need to clean up our foods, our lifestyles, our environment, etc… if we want to get back to the health we can enjoy. Notice the people who get the sickest in this epidemic: crowded cities, sicker individuals, people with poor diet/lifestyles… You can take control of your health NOW. DO not wait for the government or science to take care of you.

Cuomo asked why do minorities have a slightly larger mortality in the COVID-19 pandemic? While I don’t have all the answers, I believe most of the answers are right in front of us. Some live in crowded conditions, which breeds poor hygiene; they are targeted by the processed food industry (see Mark Hyman, MD books for more details) – and end up buying and consuming cheaper, less nourishing foods that leave them having 1- more comorbidities, and 2 – weaker immune systems that lead to more disease. 

I want to add that the Institute of Medicine, in 2000, showed that hospitals and doctors are the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA! I’ll quote Dr Humphries who says, “Unfortunately, the flawed belief that vaccines and other medical advances were responsible for this amazing decline (in infectious disease mortality) has dictated how infectious diseases are treated today. Instead of emphasis on hygiene, nutrition, vitamin supplementation, immune system support, and natural remedies, the emphasis is always on costly medications, vaccinations, and other medical procedures. These choices have not been without consequences, as they fight germs instead of SUPPORTING THE LIFE FORCE. The host cannot rid its surroundings of microorganisms and, in fact, may be best served by cultivating the beneficial ones as they are actually part of the host’s defense.” – Dissolving Illusions – Humphries, MD. 

Consider that we once had infectious diseases wreaking havoc – Typhus, Typhoid, Dysentery, Tb, Cholera, scarlet fever, etc… as the main cause of death. We fixed that by improving water, getting rid of animal waste and garbage in the street, sewer systems, & improved food guidelines. 

Now we struggle with metabolic problems that are also avoidable: Heart disease, Diabetes, Autoimmune problems, Cancer, dementia, ASD, etc… - metabolic problems that have an answer, that unfortunately most overlook and even refuse to consider – that we can decrease this epidemic by changing similar things: one of the biggest you can control now: what we put into our bodies. The solutions are similar: we can improve foods – back to natural rather than non-nourishing processed, decrease GMO and toxins allowed in/on it, have good hygiene practices and love our neighbor in doing so. You have a choice, and you can act now to improve your health by changing how you treat your body. 

Top immune boosters to help you avoid illness and/or help treat your illness.

 Medical literature shows that uncomplicated influenza can be treated as good or better by taking things like Elderberry over prescription medications such as Tamiflu – which is probably only helpful for certain at-risk or sick people. This is meant to give you additional knowledge and options, not take the place of your doctor.

In order to boost your immune system to prevent illness during certain seasons or to help treat you when you do get sick, consider the following as part of your plan for optimal wellness:

-       Elderberry

-       Vitamin C (prefer whole food vitamin C over ascorbic acid)

- Vitamin A (Cod liver oil is great source)

-       Echinacea

-       Vitamin D (Get some sunshine! 20 min/day)

- Zinc

-       Probiotics

-       Quercetin

-       Bromelain (for cough especially)

-       Get plenty of sleep and deal well with your stress! 

- Stay well hydrated

-       No sugar. (A spoonful of sugar doesn’t help the medicine go down, but increases your chances of needing more medicine!)

-       (Again, most of these are things within your control)



Coronavirus Handy Tips

A few tidbits on staying healthy during the Coronavirus (or any virus)… 

First, remember this is a season. It will end! 

The good news is the most important steps you can take are the simplest! And, you may consider blowing them off as unimportant, or even think you do them already, but follow yourself around for the day and see how often you do things that can compromise your health and those around you, and remind yourself to take extra precautions now. 

Your HANDS are KEY!

Wash your hands regularly – use soap and water. Use alcohol when necessary, but focus on traditional washing first to avoid unnecessary chemicals that may be in the sanitizer. 

Consider everything you are doing with your hands. What did you just touch outside your body? A food line/table where you washed your hands, then proceeded to grab the same serving spoon someone else just touched that may not have clean hands, or kids that coughed on their hand after washing and then touched the serving spoon? Door knobs. The sink handle – you washed your hands, but now proceed to turn off the water – and that’s the same handle someone else used to turn on the sink after going to the bathroom or coughing on their hand. Moving the chair away from the table so you can sit down. Touching money or your dirty phone! A cup the waitress just handed you after she has touched many other things. 

DON’T EAT WITH YOUR HANDS EVER! Use utensils – even to eat things like a burger and fries. Or use a napkin to hold the sandwich. 

Do not put your hands on your face - > this is one of the primary ways you will transfer a microbe from a surface to your body – by rubbing your eye, your nose, mouth, etc… Keep your hands away from your face/mouth. 

You also have a role to play in keeping others from getting sick: by keeping your hands clean, not coughing on your hand, nor rubbing your nose, cover your cough with a tissue or your elbow, don’t breathe on people, don’t share food/drinks, etc… As well as not going to public places when you are ill. How much disease would we reduce by staying home when sick and avoiding places other people can catch it from you? 

Bottom line, there are many things you can do throughout the day to protect yourself and others. Most of them relate to having clean hands, and being thoughtful of EVERYTHING you touch and never putting your hands on your face or the food you intend to eat. 

You can also look at my prior post on influenza, but I wanted to add some further tips on how to stay healthy during these concerning times.

 You can look on the CDC website for details about the virus itself.

Fix the Source of the Problem or "I can't see a problems so all is well"?

Would you like to get to the source causes and eliminate the problems you are having or simply get a quick makeover that temporarily patches the issue? A friend recently returned home and noticed a damp area of sheetrock on the wall of their apartment. This was reported, and maintenance “repaired” the sheetrock with a new dry piece without looking deeper for the CAUSE of the problem. I commented that they need to look deeper and find out where the leak started and if there is any mold. Of course they didn’t, it LOOKS FIXED! I can’t see a problem, so therefore it doesn’t exist! Of course, later more moisture was found in other areas of the floor and wall due to an ongoing leak that may have already started a mold problem. Either way, the leak had to be fixed or patching the wall is pointless and only masks the problem while something sinister may be growing under the good looking sheetrock. We do this often in healthcare. You present with a symptom of something, and receive a mediation that appears on the outside to “fix” the problem, while there is still a leak deep in your wall that could cause further toxins like mold to be growing. One example - giving a woman artificial birth control pills due problems with her cycle. She now has a regular cycle, so all is well and she can conceive, right? Wrong. The oral contraceptives make it look good, but there is still something causing her to have an abnormal cycle, something causing the hormones to be imbalanced. If she wants to conceive and be health and feel well, more is needed than a non human contraceptive pill. But, this takes time and insurance doesn’t care for you or your health. If you want to get to the bottom of the wet drywall, prevent much bigger problems, see a physician who has time and understands the need to dig deeper and fix the source of the problem.

Resveratrol Decreases Glucose in Diabetes per study

Resveratrol is a polyphenol with powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.  It is naturally found in nuts, berries, and the skin of grapes but only in low concentrations. Studies have been widely publicized for its cardiovascular, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-aging benefits, with research also showing significant benefits in several chronic inflammatory disorders. Resveratrol activates sirtuins, which can increase insulin sensitivity and protect against oxidative damage.

In a new study published Monday in Nutrients, researchers investigated the effects of resveratrol in patients with type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune disorder. In type 1 diabetes, there is a lack of insulin to regular glucose levels.

This new study included thirteen patients with type 1 diabetes ranging from 12 to 45 years of age. Each patient received 500 mg of resveratrol twice daily over a two-month period. Clinical and laboratory assessments included body weight, body mass index (BMI), fasting glucose, insulin, hemoglobin A1c, HOMA-IR, HOMA-β, alkaline phosphatase, liver enzymes, creatinine, and albumin. In addition, C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin 1β, total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and lipid peroxidation levels were assessed. All were taken at baseline, 30 days, and 60 days.

As a result, resveratrol supplementation significantly decreased fasting glucose and hemoglobin A1c levels. In addition, malondialdehyde, an oxidative stress marker, was also decreased. Total antioxidant capacity increased, demonstrating antioxidant protective properties. Insulin, HOMA-IR, HOMA-β, CRP, and liver and kidney functions were not affected.

These results support resveratrol supplementation as a potential strategy for helping to support glucose control, insulin sensitivity and oxidative damage in patients with type 1 diabetes. Additional nutrients that should be considered to address dysglycemia include inositol, tocotrienols, fish oil, probiotics, and resistant starch.

Since type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder, potential environmental triggers should not be overlooked as they can contribute to autoimmunity, such as food sensitivities, toxins, nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalances, and infections. In addition, stool testing is essential to rule out bacterial infections and dysbiosis as well as assess inflammatory, immune, digestion, and absorption markers. Consider resveratrol, vitamin D, fish oil, curcumin, and probiotics for individuals with autoimmune dysfunction.

By Michael Jurgelewicz, - DFH. from article: Movahed A, Raj P, et al. Efficacy and Safety of Resveratrol in Type 1 Diabetes Patients: A Two-Month Preliminary Exploratory Trial. Nutrients. 2020 January 6; 12(1).

Decrease Salt Consumption to Decrease Fat?

Many may have heard costs and benefits of fructose. We know its especially not good in high fructose corn syrup, yet can be good in fruits. Both salt and fructose have some direct correlation to problems like high blood pressure and kidney disease. But, i didn’t know how salt can alter our body’s sugar metabolism.

It appears SALT intake (and specifically, for you medical practitioners, as salt intake correlates with a rise in serum osmolarity) can cause glucose to shift to fructose. Glucose is something we use immediately for energy, but high fructose loads can shift the body to store this sugar energy as fat. So, if we eat a high salt load, this could cause the body to move to fat storage - something most of us do NOT desire! One thing the researcher mentioned, is that you can mitigate this effect by taking in water with the salt (which causes serum [osm] to be normal). So, practical application for most of us: eat less salt load and if you do eat salt, add plenty of water. - from R. Johnson, MD research

Meditation: YOU already do it!

The question is, on what?

Everyone meditates. You are thinking/pondering/considering/worrying/focusing on something every day, and at times, you are specifically mulling over specific things. The definition of meditation: continued thought;reflection; contemplation. You can focus on things that bring you life, of things that bring death. If you spend your time focusing on what will go wrong, your fears, worrying about the needs that aren’t met, your body will react in fear: increased sympathetic nervous system (think: fight or flight) - which is tense muscles, anxiety, increased heart rate, etc… Your body is acting like there is an angry snake in your room. Meditation in terms of what some call it, is extended focus on things like awareness of your surroundings, your breathing, letting go of other thoughts, and increasing your inner quiet/peace. Phil 4:8 says, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” This helps your mind/spirit and then body bring into focus good rather than fear. Try this for 7 days straight -journal about all of the “whatever’s” in this verse and see how that affects your body (and mind/spirit). It will increase your peace - and its a fight - you determine what goes into and stays in your mind. That you can control! What are you meditating on now?

4 Ways to Turn off Wifi to Decrease EMF Exposure

With increasing concern that EMF exposure may play a role in decreased sleep, anxiety, illness, etc… (which we can discuss in more details later) here are 4 ways to decrease some of the exposure by turning off Wifi.

  1. Unplug any time not in use - especially at night. Simple!

  2. Add a mechanical outlet timer that automatically turns it off - and i’ll link one here later or add to store that you can purchase inexpensively. https://www.amazon.com/Century-Plug-Mechanical-Timer-Grounded/dp/B00MVFF59S/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1548455377&sr=8-4&keywords=mechanical+outlet+timer

  3. Use a remote to turn off the outlet to decrease having to get near it or if the socket is in hard to reach places.

  4. Log into the software of the router and schedule it to go off and on at certain times (Bonus: this keeps your kids from using it at night!)
