Would you like to get to the source causes and eliminate the problems you are having or simply get a quick makeover that temporarily patches the issue? A friend recently returned home and noticed a damp area of sheetrock on the wall of their apartment. This was reported, and maintenance “repaired” the sheetrock with a new dry piece without looking deeper for the CAUSE of the problem. I commented that they need to look deeper and find out where the leak started and if there is any mold. Of course they didn’t, it LOOKS FIXED! I can’t see a problem, so therefore it doesn’t exist! Of course, later more moisture was found in other areas of the floor and wall due to an ongoing leak that may have already started a mold problem. Either way, the leak had to be fixed or patching the wall is pointless and only masks the problem while something sinister may be growing under the good looking sheetrock. We do this often in healthcare. You present with a symptom of something, and receive a mediation that appears on the outside to “fix” the problem, while there is still a leak deep in your wall that could cause further toxins like mold to be growing. One example - giving a woman artificial birth control pills due problems with her cycle. She now has a regular cycle, so all is well and she can conceive, right? Wrong. The oral contraceptives make it look good, but there is still something causing her to have an abnormal cycle, something causing the hormones to be imbalanced. If she wants to conceive and be health and feel well, more is needed than a non human contraceptive pill. But, this takes time and insurance doesn’t care for you or your health. If you want to get to the bottom of the wet drywall, prevent much bigger problems, see a physician who has time and understands the need to dig deeper and fix the source of the problem.