Top immune boosters to help you avoid illness and/or help treat your illness.

 Medical literature shows that uncomplicated influenza can be treated as good or better by taking things like Elderberry over prescription medications such as Tamiflu – which is probably only helpful for certain at-risk or sick people. This is meant to give you additional knowledge and options, not take the place of your doctor.

In order to boost your immune system to prevent illness during certain seasons or to help treat you when you do get sick, consider the following as part of your plan for optimal wellness:

-       Elderberry

-       Vitamin C (prefer whole food vitamin C over ascorbic acid)

- Vitamin A (Cod liver oil is great source)

-       Echinacea

-       Vitamin D (Get some sunshine! 20 min/day)

- Zinc

-       Probiotics

-       Quercetin

-       Bromelain (for cough especially)

-       Get plenty of sleep and deal well with your stress! 

- Stay well hydrated

-       No sugar. (A spoonful of sugar doesn’t help the medicine go down, but increases your chances of needing more medicine!)

-       (Again, most of these are things within your control)
