The news is full of the hope of a vaccine or novel treatment. Many people have lost their lives to COVID-19, and I don’t want to minimize that tragedy. In fact, I want to come alongside people of the world and help people know how to best prevent their own demise and understand where to look for hope. I’m not anti-medicine. Medicine is fantastic in many circumstances. However, in this case, the hope is NOT IN A VACCINE. There are MANY THINGS YOU CAN DO to get your body in a place that it is unlikely to get sick from any pathogen as well as be able to fend off the ones that do make it in. It’s time for Americans to become aware of and offered ways they can improve their health NOW- and the chance of healthy outcomes later, regardless of, and more important than a vaccine! You don’t need to wait for government or science to take care of you. Today, I want to remind folks of prior illnesses, the vaccination campaigns and what many decided was the best approach to preventing/slowing the spread of disease.
Small-pox – was one of the scourges in prior centuries – killing and hurting many people. Governments around the world mandated vaccination of everyone until some began to realize that they vaccine wasn’t helping, in fact many became sick after taking the vaccine, and even those who were vaccinated continued to get small-pox when the epidemics arose. In fact, one village in England decided to rebel against the vaccination campaign, and went from 95% of their populace being vaccinated to 5%. They implemented a plan of sanitation, isolation of the ill person, and hygiene. Does that sound familiar? The response to the COVID-19 pandemic? The medical community predicted that when they next epidemic arose, those of Leicester England would be decimated. However, that didn’t come to pass – they actually fared better than other towns that were vaccinated during outbreaks! And with each successive outbreak since decreasing vaccination, they had lower and lower death rates. Dr Humphries, noted in her book Dissolving Illusions, regarding the fact that a vaccine makes the smallpox milder if you do get it (still talk about that today): “Since the mildest smallpox is admittedly as contagious as the most severe, vaccinated small-pox is no less dangerous to the community than unvaccinated.” (Meaning, it will still spread). There was an outbreak of small-pox in Yugoslavia in the 70’s, and the WHO decided to use some of the Leicester plan after realizing the vaccination didn’t reliably protect.
So, before taking a vaccine, you may want to do some further research and see how well it is actually working or what is actually slowing the spread of the disease. I’ll add for those of you who are interested in higher powers, that our hope should never be solely in medicine or government to take care of us. You can do more at home than they can ever do to protect yourself and those you love by eating clean, exercising, getting sunlight, fresh air, self-quarantining when you are sick, and practicing good hygiene.
In the small-pox era, living condition and foods were extremely poor. Beginning in the mid/late 1800s, when sanitation and hygiene began improving, the mortality rate to all infections diseases dropped (we saw declines in typhus, typhoid, diptheria, scarlet fever, measles, etc..). It is clear that something other than a vaccine altered the susceptibility to disease. With the exception of the Spanish flu of 1918, infectious disease caused less mortality. So what is going on now? We still have toxins in our foods and environment, now GMO and processed foods and all of this is leading to a sick America. The toxins and poor standards may come in different ways, but is akin to the problematic environment in the 17-1800’s that contributed to the spread of disease, and by cleaning things up changed the course of illness dramatically. Now we need to clean up our foods, our lifestyles, our environment, etc… if we want to get back to the health we can enjoy. Notice the people who get the sickest in this epidemic: crowded cities, sicker individuals, people with poor diet/lifestyles… You can take control of your health NOW. DO not wait for the government or science to take care of you.
Cuomo asked why do minorities have a slightly larger mortality in the COVID-19 pandemic? While I don’t have all the answers, I believe most of the answers are right in front of us. Some live in crowded conditions, which breeds poor hygiene; they are targeted by the processed food industry (see Mark Hyman, MD books for more details) – and end up buying and consuming cheaper, less nourishing foods that leave them having 1- more comorbidities, and 2 – weaker immune systems that lead to more disease.
I want to add that the Institute of Medicine, in 2000, showed that hospitals and doctors are the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA! I’ll quote Dr Humphries who says, “Unfortunately, the flawed belief that vaccines and other medical advances were responsible for this amazing decline (in infectious disease mortality) has dictated how infectious diseases are treated today. Instead of emphasis on hygiene, nutrition, vitamin supplementation, immune system support, and natural remedies, the emphasis is always on costly medications, vaccinations, and other medical procedures. These choices have not been without consequences, as they fight germs instead of SUPPORTING THE LIFE FORCE. The host cannot rid its surroundings of microorganisms and, in fact, may be best served by cultivating the beneficial ones as they are actually part of the host’s defense.” – Dissolving Illusions – Humphries, MD.
Consider that we once had infectious diseases wreaking havoc – Typhus, Typhoid, Dysentery, Tb, Cholera, scarlet fever, etc… as the main cause of death. We fixed that by improving water, getting rid of animal waste and garbage in the street, sewer systems, & improved food guidelines.
Now we struggle with metabolic problems that are also avoidable: Heart disease, Diabetes, Autoimmune problems, Cancer, dementia, ASD, etc… - metabolic problems that have an answer, that unfortunately most overlook and even refuse to consider – that we can decrease this epidemic by changing similar things: one of the biggest you can control now: what we put into our bodies. The solutions are similar: we can improve foods – back to natural rather than non-nourishing processed, decrease GMO and toxins allowed in/on it, have good hygiene practices and love our neighbor in doing so. You have a choice, and you can act now to improve your health by changing how you treat your body.