4 Ways to Turn off Wifi to Decrease EMF Exposure

With increasing concern that EMF exposure may play a role in decreased sleep, anxiety, illness, etc… (which we can discuss in more details later) here are 4 ways to decrease some of the exposure by turning off Wifi.

  1. Unplug any time not in use - especially at night. Simple!

  2. Add a mechanical outlet timer that automatically turns it off - and i’ll link one here later or add to store that you can purchase inexpensively. https://www.amazon.com/Century-Plug-Mechanical-Timer-Grounded/dp/B00MVFF59S/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1548455377&sr=8-4&keywords=mechanical+outlet+timer

  3. Use a remote to turn off the outlet to decrease having to get near it or if the socket is in hard to reach places.

  4. Log into the software of the router and schedule it to go off and on at certain times (Bonus: this keeps your kids from using it at night!)
