The question is, on what?
Everyone meditates. You are thinking/pondering/considering/worrying/focusing on something every day, and at times, you are specifically mulling over specific things. The definition of meditation: continued thought;reflection; contemplation. You can focus on things that bring you life, of things that bring death. If you spend your time focusing on what will go wrong, your fears, worrying about the needs that aren’t met, your body will react in fear: increased sympathetic nervous system (think: fight or flight) - which is tense muscles, anxiety, increased heart rate, etc… Your body is acting like there is an angry snake in your room. Meditation in terms of what some call it, is extended focus on things like awareness of your surroundings, your breathing, letting go of other thoughts, and increasing your inner quiet/peace. Phil 4:8 says, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” This helps your mind/spirit and then body bring into focus good rather than fear. Try this for 7 days straight -journal about all of the “whatever’s” in this verse and see how that affects your body (and mind/spirit). It will increase your peace - and its a fight - you determine what goes into and stays in your mind. That you can control! What are you meditating on now?