Many may have heard costs and benefits of fructose. We know its especially not good in high fructose corn syrup, yet can be good in fruits. Both salt and fructose have some direct correlation to problems like high blood pressure and kidney disease. But, i didn’t know how salt can alter our body’s sugar metabolism.
It appears SALT intake (and specifically, for you medical practitioners, as salt intake correlates with a rise in serum osmolarity) can cause glucose to shift to fructose. Glucose is something we use immediately for energy, but high fructose loads can shift the body to store this sugar energy as fat. So, if we eat a high salt load, this could cause the body to move to fat storage - something most of us do NOT desire! One thing the researcher mentioned, is that you can mitigate this effect by taking in water with the salt (which causes serum [osm] to be normal). So, practical application for most of us: eat less salt load and if you do eat salt, add plenty of water. - from R. Johnson, MD research